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中国 = China: Note: We setup a new English / Chinese website: China Postal Codes (中国邮政编码), including more than 1,800,000 full China postcodes data and detail address information.
Coding Method
The postcodes in China consist of 6 digits, eg:
2 6 6 0 3 3
The first two digits represent the province or autonomous region, the third digit represents the postal zone, the fourth digit corresponds to the city and the last two digits correspond to the delivery region.
Address Format
Mr. Zhimin Li 62 Renmin lu, Qingdao Shi 266033 SHANDONG P.R. CHINA
Postcode Search by Province
Inside China, Cities' Area Code:
North China |
Beijing (Peking, 北京) | Tianjin (天津) | Hebei (河北) | Inner Mongolia (Neimenggu, 内蒙古) | Shanxi (山西) |
East China |
Shanghai (上海) | Anhui (安徽) | Jiangsu (江苏) | Zhejiang (浙江) | Shandong (山东) |
Jiangxi (江西) | Fujian (福建) | |||
South China |
Guangdong (广东) | Guangxi (广西) | Hainan (海南) | ||
Central China |
Henan (河南) | Hubei (湖北) | Hunan (湖南) | ||
Northeast China |
Heilongjiang (黑龙江) | Jilin (吉林) | Liaoning (辽宁) | ||
Northwest China |
Shaanxi (陕西) | Xinjiang (新疆) | Gansu (甘肃) | Ningxia (宁夏) | Qinghai (青海) |
Southwest China |
Chongqing (重庆) | Sichuan (四川) | Yunnan (云南) | Guizhou (贵州) | Tibet (Xizang, 西藏) |
HK, MO & TW |
Hong Kong (Hongkong, 香港) | Macao (Macau, 澳门) | Taiwan (台湾) |
Reference Links
- PostCodeBase: China Postcode
- China address format
External Links
- Wikipedia: China
- Chahaoba: Area code of China
- AreaCodeBase: China Areacode Database
- PostCodeBase: China Postcode Database