Mexico 🇲🇽
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This is the Mexico Post Code page. This page includes the following content: Code Method, Envelope Example and Address Format, the way of writing the postal code correctly, reference link for postcode inquiries.
Envelope Example
Coding Method
The postcodes in Mexico consist of 5
The first two digits represent the state, the third digit represents the area and the last two digits correspond to the district, neighborhood or locality.
Address Format
Sra Otilia Ramos Perez Urión 30 Col. Tlatilco 02860 MEXICO, CDMX MEXICO
State Abbreviation
Mexico is divided into 32 states. Mexico City is one of them, as well as the capital of Mexico.
Abbreviation | Province | Abbreviation | Province |
AGS | Aguascalientes | MOR | Morelos |
BC | Baja California | NAY | Nayarit |
BCS | Baja California Sur | NL | Nuevo Leon |
CAM | Campeche | OAX | Oaxaca |
COAH | Coahuila | PUE | Puebla |
COL | Colima | QRO | Queretaro |
CHIS | Chiapas | Q ROO | Quintana Roo |
CHIH | Chihuahua | SLP | San Luis Potosi |
DF | Distrito Federal(Mexico City) | SIN | Sinaloa |
DGO | Durango | SON | Sonora |
GTO | Guanajuato | TAB | Tabasco |
GRO | Guerrero | TAMPS | Tamaulipas |
HGO | Hidalgo | TLAX | Tlaxcala |
JAL | Jalisco | VER | Veracruz |
MEX | Mexico | YUC | Yucatan |
MICH | Michoacan | ZAC | Zacatecas |
The numbers before each state represent the first two digits of the postcode of that state.
00-16 Mexico City | 20 Aguascalientes | 21-22 Baja California | 23 Baja California Sur |
24 Campeche | 29-30 Chiapas | 31-33 Chihuahua (state) | 25-27 Coahuila de Zaragoza |
28 Colima | 34-35 Durango | 36-38 Guanajuato | 39-41 Guerrero |
42-43 Hidalgo (Mexico) | 44-49 Jalisco | 50-57 Estado de México | 58-61 Michoacán de Ocampo |
62 Morelos | 63 Nayarit | 64-67 Nuevo León | 68-71 Oaxaca |
72-75 Puebla | 76 Querétaro Arteaga | 77 Quintana Roo | 78-79 San Luis Potosí |
80-82 Sinaloa | 83-85 Sonora | 86 Tabasco | 87-89 Tamaulipas |
90 Tlaxcala | 91-96 Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave | 97 Yucatán | 98-99 Zacatecas |
Reference Links
- PostCodeBase: Mexico Postcode
- YouBianKu: Mexico Postal Codes including more than 75,000 full Mexico postcodes data and detail address information
- Mexico postal official website (Spanish)
- Mexico Postal Code Search (Spanish)
- Mexico Message Format (English, PDF file)
- List of postal codes in Mexico - Wikipedia (English)
External Links
- Wikipedia: Mexico
- Chahaoba: Area code of Mexico
- AreaCodeBase: Mexico Areacode Database
- YouBianKu: Mexico Postal Code Database
- PostCodeBase: Mexico Postcode Database